воскресенье, 7 ноября 2010 г.

Audit of Sales

Nobody is surprised, when many of the existing companies without dependence from their sizes are engaged in financial audit. Nobody argues that it is the extremely useful procedure when independent experts give an assessment of works of the company proceeding from norms and accounting rules. Even more often firms try to book audit of a control system by quality. And extremely seldom it is possible to hear about it in such areas, as sales and marketing.

As underlying reason of such indifference to own sales that circumstance that isn't created the standard norms, like accounting serves. Audit of sales frequently becomes intuitively because it is now fashionable that so do others that in it never were engaged — it is necessary to try. There are no turned out methods which would allow to make procedure of more clear.

Like firm would work in a usual mode, but sales gradually fall. How to rectify situation? Where to find necessary resources which would allow to increase sales volumes at the minimum expenses? Audit of marketing and audit of sales will help both to heads of sales departments, and experts in marketing to find answers to exciting questions.

Many will ask a question: why audit and sales, and marketing? Yes because is problematic enough to spend border between marketing and sales. Besides, in many companies simply there is no marketing department.

Audit of sales is extremely necessary, if:
— You have too low cost of sales;
— Intensive growth of sales is necessary to you;
— In a sales department employees often change;
— Besides that there are no new buyers so still the old leave or reduce purchases;
— Higher incomes are necessary to you;
— It is necessary for you to trace results of sales for the certain periods of time;
— Sales in your company don't give in to long-term planning.

So, updatings in sales department work are necessary for you. But with what party to begin and where to move? Audit time has come.

The audit subject is, first of all, firm activity in sphere of sales, its productivity.

The SWOT-analysis will allow to reveal presence both weak, and strengths of activity of a sales department of the company. Also the SWOT-analysis will help to define real-life and potential threats. This analysis will give a full picture both on marketing, and on sales, will allow to be defined with the positive and negative factors influencing for work of a sales department. The SWOT-analysis will allow to be defined with necessary changes. One of the primary goals of the analysis — definition of especially vulnerable sites of a sales department. For example, such as small number of steady customers on which your firm depends.

All sets including the sizes of orders both various ассортименты and their influence on a break-even sales level are compared. All inquiries which have arrived from buyers are analyzed to define the most fruitful methods товаропродвижения. Level of recognition of firm among potential and existing buyers is considered.

In other words, full check of all spheres of activity of firm in which resources can consist unclaimed by departments of marketing and sales is carried out.

Audit of marketing and sales is spent to some stages:
— Gathering of all necessary documents;
— An exception of points which aren't especially important for firm;
— Drawing up of the certain list of workers of firm which should give answers to the questions directly connected with work of a sales department;
— Carrying out of necessary polls and conversations;
— Using the answers received during polls, to be defined with the plan of prospective actions;
— To systematize plan points whenever possible realizations, to prospective monetary injections and promptness;
— To define the employees who are responsible for this or that section of the plan, and also realization terms, to coordinate monitoring and control.

It is necessary to remember that audit isn't panacea of disposal of problems, it only plans ways of an exit from the created position. And there will be an advantage or not, depends because as the confirmed employees will work under the made plan.

How to Choose the Research Company?

So, you have made the decision that your company is necessary to conduct market research. The decision is already accepted also the research budget is defined. However, you to spend such research not in forces, at least, to short terms. In this case it will be necessary for you to address in the specialized company, which activity - carrying out of marketing researches.

By search you will find set of addresses of such companies. How to choose approaching for carrying out of your research the organization? You receive the answer to such question from this article.

To begin with forget about free tenders. Any company respecting to disagree to participate in them. Even offer working out on research carrying out will be developed by the organization, and it too should be paid.

At a following stage it is necessary to find out company specialization. It is not necessary to be engaged in search of the company which are engaged in researches only of your market, for example, of men's wear, colourful materials etc. As a rule, the companies conduct marketing researches of all kinds of the markets.

It is necessary to pay attention to client base. If the organization which is engaged in researches, exists in the market about one year, it should have more than ten clients. In the normal company to you at once name at least some the clients which it to be proud. Probably, at you it will turn out even to communicate to these clients therefore you receive responses about the given company.

As a rule, the company conducting marketing researches of the market, has an own site. Pay attention to its information base, convenience of perception of the information. If on a site the information is presented not correctly also the report on research as hardly will surprise you.

The good research company, except researches which are spent by request, can spend and own marketing researches. Then they arrive in free sale, there are they rather cheaply. And so, is better to learn company possibilities it is possible to study the given initiative researches.

As to quotations cost of marketing researches in our country already has developed. If the firm offers unreasonably low price you should become thoughtful. The low price can influence accuracy of research, terms, qualifications of experts etc.

Well and, at last, we will notice that important value has the contract where the basic aspects of your cooperation with research firm will be fixed. If it is a small leaflet, or, on the contrary, the multipage senseless document prepare for various disagreements in your cooperation. If the contract represents 3-5 pages accurate and, the main thing, clear to you of the text can be assured that have chosen the company conducting qualitative marketing researches.


SpheraPromotionGroup has started a site with system of search in base of the goods of foreign suppliers.

The assortment of production presented on a site, makes more than 2000 positions in different directions: from promo-production to personal accessories and business gifts of high level.

The considerable part of assortment of the electronic catalog is made by production of the European suppliers.

The site is issued in the form of the electronic catalog of the goods.

On the main page of a site the data about the most sold and popular goods is deduced. The information is updated every day with the account of statistics of inquiries and the given sales departments of suppliers.

The separate block presents Novelties of the European catalogs.

Display of the goods is made in a casual order. The complete list can be seen in section «New goods».

The site is equipped by the thematic subject authority for convenience of search in categories of the goods.

The convenient search engine of the electronic catalog allows to process inquiries as under article number, and to carry out search in keywords and the description.

The information on each position contains production description, the sizes of the goods and its packing, possible ways брендирования, to accessible quantity in warehouses, to possible color scores, the price.

Looking through the data, you can load the goods image in high quality, and also create PDF pages with the detailed description.

For convenience of work on a site the electronic form for the order is provided.

Production presented in the electronic catalog, is delivered directly from Europe.

SpheraPromotionGroup specializes on delivery of business souvenirs and representation production of the Russian and European manufacturers:

- Promosuveniry.

- Business gifts of middle class.

- The VIP production.

- Manufacture of exclusive advertizing-souvenir production under the individual order of the client.

We cooperate as with the Russian suppliers and manufacturers of souvenir production, and we carry out deliveries from Europe and China. Our steady relations with a number of the largest companies of Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy and China allow to provide qualitative deliveries of exclusive souvenirs.

The Most profitable And Fast Partner Program Lgnprosperity

Company LGN is recognized in the world of Internet marketing by the most fast-growing partner program of additional earnings, has been based by James Ward in 2007 and for today successfully functions and has the big success all over the world. The proprietor of the company has personal experience of management by the finance of other people (as has worked more than 10 years on Uoll Strit, operating billions dollars of investors and earning for them).

Now the most volume and emerging markets in the business world are the tourist market, the market the Internet of marketing and direct sales. Company LGN has united all these directions in one partner program LGN Prosperity.

The basic product of the company - tourist cards LGN Travel Card.

In modern media space of the CIS programs which constrain any desire and motivation to prosperity actively work. They encourage moral, force us to grow old prematurely. We (representatives of company LGN) suggest you real chance to rectify this situation and to find financial independence. The present, serious business which offers the simple program, called to keep and increase your money instead of to spend for nothing!

Now LGN on start in the CIS. We have ambitions and corresponding possibilities. But without you - our potential partners, works nothing. You - our greatest value, and we will help you to improve your financial position. We don't promise huge percent under investments, we at all aren't engaged in them. We suggest you to take part in the qualitative and fast program LGN Prosperity perfectly well balanced both for leaders, and for the future leaders.