воскресенье, 7 ноября 2010 г.

How to Choose the Research Company?

So, you have made the decision that your company is necessary to conduct market research. The decision is already accepted also the research budget is defined. However, you to spend such research not in forces, at least, to short terms. In this case it will be necessary for you to address in the specialized company, which activity - carrying out of marketing researches.

By search you will find set of addresses of such companies. How to choose approaching for carrying out of your research the organization? You receive the answer to such question from this article.

To begin with forget about free tenders. Any company respecting to disagree to participate in them. Even offer working out on research carrying out will be developed by the organization, and it too should be paid.

At a following stage it is necessary to find out company specialization. It is not necessary to be engaged in search of the company which are engaged in researches only of your market, for example, of men's wear, colourful materials etc. As a rule, the companies conduct marketing researches of all kinds of the markets.

It is necessary to pay attention to client base. If the organization which is engaged in researches, exists in the market about one year, it should have more than ten clients. In the normal company to you at once name at least some the clients which it to be proud. Probably, at you it will turn out even to communicate to these clients therefore you receive responses about the given company.

As a rule, the company conducting marketing researches of the market, has an own site. Pay attention to its information base, convenience of perception of the information. If on a site the information is presented not correctly also the report on research as hardly will surprise you.

The good research company, except researches which are spent by request, can spend and own marketing researches. Then they arrive in free sale, there are they rather cheaply. And so, is better to learn company possibilities it is possible to study the given initiative researches.

As to quotations cost of marketing researches in our country already has developed. If the firm offers unreasonably low price you should become thoughtful. The low price can influence accuracy of research, terms, qualifications of experts etc.

Well and, at last, we will notice that important value has the contract where the basic aspects of your cooperation with research firm will be fixed. If it is a small leaflet, or, on the contrary, the multipage senseless document prepare for various disagreements in your cooperation. If the contract represents 3-5 pages accurate and, the main thing, clear to you of the text can be assured that have chosen the company conducting qualitative marketing researches.

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